Tuesday, August 26, 2008


July 15, 2007

I’m so sorry to keep this email so short. . .Mama says it’s past my bedtime. We just had a couple things we need to share before leaving town for a few days.
Our Papa (Ed Nickels) had his surgery Monday morning. After removing the upper lobe of his right lung, where we thought the cancer was contained, Papa’s surgeon found more cancer in the lower lobe of his right lung. The surgeon cleaned the lower lobe as much as he could without removing it and collected several lymph nodes to send for biopsy. The test results should be back either tomorrow or Thursday. If the pathology report comes back negative, meaning the lymph nodes are clean, the surgeon will go back in and remove the rest of Papa’s right lung so the cancer doesn’t spread. If the report comes back showing the cancer has spread to his lymph nodes, other options will have to be discussed. Please pray the pathology report is clean and the cancer has not spread beyond Papa’s right lung. Papa handled the surgery very well and was in good spirits at last report.
My celebration party was wonderful. . .the weather, the food, the people, everything was just perfect! Thank you so much for celebrating with us! My cousin, Ana, and I have also had a fantastic week at Meemaw’s. I even got to spend the night with Meemaw and Ana! We’ve played in the water, jumped on the trampoline, been to the zoo, giggled. . .we’ve had a blast! I’m sad we have to take her home tomorrow! At least we’ll get to spend a few days at her house before saying goodbye ‘til next time.
I love you all so much!
Thank you for praying for my Papa!
Jayci Joy

July 7, 2008

CELEBRATE: to observe an event with festivities, to praise widely.

It’s CELEBRATION TIME! Jayci Joy will soon be “ALL DONE!” On Tuesday and Wednesday we take Jayci for a FINAL round of testing. She will have to do one more 24-hour urine catheter test, one more CT Scan, one more set of X-Rays, one more round of bloodwork, and one MIBG test. On Thursday we meet with her surgeon for a pre-operation visit before having her port is removed. Yes. . .it’s finally over! THANK YOU JESUS!!! It will be a tough week for her to go through, (the fasting and catheter are terrible!) but we are confident that with your prayers she will make it through everything just fine. Then it will be time to CELEBRATE!

We hope you’ll be able to join us:

Saturday, July 12th
Meemaw and Pepaw’s house
Bovina, Texas

(THANK YOU FAITH for the BEAUTIFUL invitations!)

WOW! The day we have all been praying for has finally arrived! Jayci Joy is cancer free (as this week’s tests will prove) and is a vivacious 2 year old! We can’t wait to share her with you! I feel terrible for not sending regular email updates and pictures during the past few months. . .they seem to continue getting fewer and far between. It’s sad that in this one email we have pictures from the Relay for Life event, our Key West vacation (THANK YOU COREY AND BRIANNE!), Jayci’s first set of pigtails since chemotherapy, and the 4th of July. Four extremely important events in Jayci Joy’s life! I would love to share details about each of these events and others that have taken place during the past month – but that would take a million pages and probably bore you all to tears! Thank goodness “a picture says a thousand words!” After expressing my guilt about not sharing Jayci’s stories through email very often anymore, a dear friend told me “…Jayci is fine now. . .you don’t have the emotional need to write. . .”
She is right. . .Jayci Joy is fine. She is a very normal 2 year old complete with curly hair, a personality that keeps everyone laughing and me on my toes, and a vocabulary even her therapists are impressed with! PRAYER IS INCREDIBLY POWERFUL! She is a testimony to us all! I can’t wait to see what He has in store for her. . .she continues to touch those around her everyday.
There is one story I would like to share – it is the inspiration that finally made me sit down and send the email that should’ve gone out weeks ago! J
This morning, like most Sundays when we’re actually home, we went to church. The morning had been typically chaotic – with breakfast, getting dressed, searching for the missing shoes. . .you know, typical Sunday morning activities. When we arrived at church Jayci Joy greeted her Papa at the door with a huge smile, a hug, and the words “that’s MY Papa!” as she always does. She also greeted Norris and Mr. Wuerflein, again very typical Jayci Joy behavior. (I love watching those men light up when she does this!) She’s greeted these men like this every Sunday for the past several months. This morning however, Jayci surprised us all. After saying her normal greetings and picking out her crayons, we began heading for the balcony as we always do. Just as Jayci was getting in one last “bye-bye” to her Papa, she stared him in the eyes, pointed into the church and said, “Dezus in dere, Papa.” None of us could figure out who she was talking about or pointing to, so as any 2 year old would do, she raised her voice and kept repeating the same words and gestures over and over again until Guy finally figured it out. He said “Jesus is in there Papa.” Jayci Joy nodded her head and smiled approvingly – her message had been delivered.
It’s amazing how God can use such a tiny person to send a message of comfort and bring an unexplainable feeling of peace to those who witnessed this act. You see. . .Papa was diagnosed with lung cancer last week and goes in for a PET Scan tomorrow. It’s been a really difficult week and we ALL needed to be reminded that Jesus was in that church today and will carry Papa through the battlefield placed in front of him.
We thank you for keeping our Papa (Ed Nickels) in your prayers. We know the path in front of him is difficult but are comforted knowing Jesus is already carrying him through. . .Jayci Joy told us so this morning!
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday and sharing our MIRACLE!
I’ll do my best to get out an email reporting preliminary test results before Saturday!
Thanks again for the extra prayers this week!
Love and Blessings,

May 21, 2008

HIDEE! LIFE IS GREAT! Baby Slade is doing wonderful, I can’t even tell Mama has had surgery she is doing so well, Daddy’s farming is good, and summertime is near! WOW! God is SO good.
I go to the doctor tomorrow for my next to last round of bloodwork! HOORAY! It’s amazing that my port will come out, signifying the END of ALL this yucky cancer stuff, exactly a year after that terrible night I was diagnosed. Mama and I should get to schedule my final round of tests and surgery to remove my port at tomorrow’s appointment. FABULOUS! Mama said that will be the BEST birthday present ever!
I have been extremely blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life! It is your prayers that have healed me you know. Now I want to try to do for others what you have done for me. Next Saturday, May 31st, I will be helping with the Children’s Miracle Network telethon in Amarillo. Then, on June 6th, my team will participate in Bailey County’s Relay for Life. Mama and Daddy told me these two organizations help children who are sick and people with cancer – both to which I can relate. We are really excited about BOTH events and are looking forward to helping sick children and supporting efforts that will one day be a cure for cancer.
I have my cancer free CELEBRATION photo shoot with Faith Essary this Friday! You should see the “beuful” dress my friend, Brenna Burch, found for me to wear! We’ll share the photos as soon as they’re ready!
I love you all so much and pray Jesus is filling your lives with as much happiness as He is ours!
-Jayci Joy

May 8, 2008

HIDEE! Sorry it has taken me a whole week to send an update. . .things have been pretty crazy around our house.
First of all I want to ask all of you to please pray for my baby cousin, Slade Nickels. He had to be airlifted to Lubbock last night because he had a seizure when his fever got too high. The doctors in Lubbock are running all kinds of tests trying to figure out what is wrong with him. They are pretty sure he has an infection somewhere that caused his fever to go up so fast. He is doing better this morning and I know Jesus is holding him and will guide the doctors to the source of Slade’s sickness. I’ll update you as soon as new information is available.
My Mama is finally human today. I don’t think she was quite prepared for the extensive surgery and recooperation. She will definitely never have a problem with drugs. . .she is allergic to EVERYTHING! Poor Geemaw. . .and thank goodness I have my Grammy Ju and Grandad! Mama said I was only going to get to spend a couple nights and I ended up spending a week at their house! It was GREAT! I slept good, played hard, ate well. . .I still haven’t figured out why Geemaw, Daddy, and Mama look so rough. The good news is. . .Mama’s surgery was a success, she is better, Daddy got his first, BEAUTIFUL, alfalfa crop harvested and delivered to the dairy hours before Jesus sent us 2 inches of much needed rainfall, Geemaw gets to spend the week at our house, and I got a little step to carry around the house so I can climb wherever I need to go! Life is good. We couldn’t have made it without your prayers! THANK YOU!
Mama promises to send pictures soon!
I love all of you!
Jayci Joy

April 30, 2008

TEST RESULTS ARE IN! Mama, Grammy Ju, and I went for my monthly checkup yesterday and finally got to hear all my test results! GREAT NEWS! My tumor is only 1 ½ cm. dense (it has already ½’d in size) and ALL my other test results look AWESOME! Dr. Regueira spent about an hour with us and seemed very pleased with everything! He and I even had a few minutes of playtime! I just love that man! The best news is that I only have to have a monthly checkup next month, a final round of tests at the end of June, my port taken out after all results are in, then I’M ALL DONE! It is AWESOME knowing the end is near! I know it is because I have so many wonderful prayer warriors who keep Jesus facing my way. J Thank you very much! I can’t wait to say “Thank You” in person at my celebration party. . .don’t forget to mark your calendars for July 12th! We are going to have ONE BIG PARTY!
Mama goes in for surgery tomorrow morning. She is having her tubes removed, a couple growths removed (they are not cancerous), and her gallbladder taken out. We talked about it some today and I reassured her everything is going to be just fine. (Jayci Joy listed the people who are going to take care of her while I’m in the hospital over and over today; it was her way of telling me she understood and would be just fine without me for a few days. So sweet.) I even get to spend the night with Grammy Ju and Geemaw tonight! Grammy Ju and Grandad are going to take care of me during the days and my Daddy is going to come home as soon as he gets Mama settled in a room tomorrow night so he can take care of me at night. My Geemaw is going to take care of my Mama for us. It is going to be an exciting weekend and I look forward to spending so much time with Grammy Ju! She knows exactly how to spoil me rotten!
I love you all very much!
Jayci Joy

April 24, 2008

HIDEE! Birthdays are GREAT! I had a wonderful weekend! I got to see lots of family and several friends. We had a blast! I didn’t care much about my cake again this year! I thought mom had completely lost it when she tried to take me in Geemaw’s house to take my picture with it. I let her know I wanted to stay outside and play with all the kids. At least she learned a lesson and brought my presents outside for me to open. That was cool! All my friends helped and I did a good job sharing my stuff with them. The weather was perfect which made the party even more fun! It was a wonderful weekend!
This week has been really busy too. Mama had to go to the doctor Monday so I got to spend the day with my daddy. We had a great day! I even got to play with my cousin, Slade, at the Pea & Bean for a little while. Yesterday was very busy too. I guess things just get crazy this time of year. The good news is Mama doesn’t have to have her surgery until next Thursday, May 1st. That is very good news because we have one more week to get our lives a little more organized. . .at least that’s what Mama keeps saying.
I have to go to the doctor this afternoon because I have a terrible cough and a nasty nose. Daddy and Mama think it’s just a cold but we have to make sure ‘cause I don’t want to get really sick.
I have some exciting news! I’m going to have my very own team at this year’s Bailey County Relay for Life! Mama went to a meeting Monday evening and got all the information about this year’s event. It is going to be a lot of fun and I get to raise money to help other people with cancer. She has quite a bit of planning to do before June 6th – at least she’ll have something to do while recovering from surgery! We already decided my team name will be “Faith, Hope, and Jayci Joy.” If any of you think you would like to be on my team just let us know!
I guess that’s about all for now. . .Mama and I have to get our house back in order – it looks like a tornado went through it! J
I love you all very much!
Jayci Joy

April 16, 2008

HIDEE! How you doin? (Jayci’s latest saying – it’s cute at first but after answering about a million, “What you doin Mama?” questions, it makes me really appreciate my mom putting up with my “Why?” questions when I was her age. J) I’m doin’ great! It seems like it was forever ago when I had my last round of tests. We still haven’t heard the results but Mama and Daddy both say “No news is good news!” I go back next Tuesday for my routine bloodwork and port check and I’m sure we’ll get to hear the good news then.
We’ve been really busy during the last couple weeks getting ready for my 2 year old birthday party! It’s been so much fun! I even got to open and enjoy some of my presents! Geemaw and Mama and Daddy got me a new swingset! I LOVE it because it is just my size! Grammy Ju and Grandad gave me a jumphouse that is so much fun to jump in! Birthdays are GREAT! I can’t wait ‘til this weekend because I get to celebrate with my family and friends! My cousins Ana and Gene are even going to be here! We’re going to spend the weekend playing and I know we’ll have a blast! Mama attached some of my 2 year old pictures – Geemaw did an excellent job making my “beuful” outfit!
I’ve also mastered checking the sprinklers with Daddy since I last emailed. As you’ll see in some of the pictures I really like playing in his “beuful” alfalfa crop when we make the rounds. It won’t be long ‘til I learn how to swathe and bale with him. Growing up on the farm is AWESOME!
Today was a very important day in my life. It was my very first day of school! I went to Kinder Korner today and had so much fun! I even made my first school project! Mama and Daddy thought I looked so grown up walking up the sidewalk with my triangle man in my hands. School is a great place. I can’t wait to go back and play again!
I have a few prayer list updates to share. My Aunt Lora’s Daddy is doing much better. He still has trouble walking but he should be back to normal soon. My Mema Betty is doing good too. We were all impressed with how well she is already getting around! She makes hip replacement look easy! My puppy, Shrek, is quickly recovering from a mild case of pancreatitis. Yes, it’s the same thing my Geemaw had not long ago – only Shrek’s case wasn’t near as bad as my Geemaw’s was. My Mama goes in for surgery next Thursday. It’ll be hard on all of us, especially me. I’m going to have to learn how to climb in Mama’s lap and get used to her not carrying me around all the time. It will be okay though, I’m nearly 2 years old ya know and big girls don’t need to be carried. J
I’ll be anxious to share my birthday pictures with all of you next week! I love you all and thank you for keeping me and my family in your prayers. We are fortunate to know how GREAT His mercies are!
Jayci Joy

April 3, 2008

HOORAY! Jayci’s tests are complete! She handled all of them extremely well! The CT Scan went well and the catheter insertion went as good as it possibly could. It was painful but the nurses got it inserted correctly the first time and they also did an excellent job making sure it wouldn’t move around during the 24 hour period. Since we didn’t have to be back in Amarillo until 1PM yesterday, we came home instead of trying to pass the time in a hotel room. Geemaw brought a delicious supper and took Jayci to play at Grammy Ju’s house for a few hours which made Jayci ready for bed early! YEAH! She slept 15 of the 24 hours! We couldn’t have had it any easier! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PRAYERS! They were definitely answered! We should know test results next week and we’ll make sure and share them as soon as they are known.
BTW – Jayci had a BLAST playing with all the nurses at the hospital. Thank all of you so much for making her feel so special. J
We have another prayer request for you. Lora’s dad, my brother Chris’s father-in-law, was run over by a tractor yesterday morning. His name is Kenneth Braden. He was trying to boost off a tractor (that he didn’t know was in reverse) and when it started it jumped backward, knocked him down and ran over his legs. The only thing the doctors found wrong with him was his left femur was broken. PRAISE GOD! It was a clean break and the bone was completely separated. He had surgery this morning. The doctor said it went very well and Kenneth is scheduled to begin physical therapy this evening. We know prayer will help and heal him as it has Jayci.
Again – we cannot thank you enough for your continued prayers! Our God is an AWESOME GOD!
God Bless,

March 28, 2008

Gosh, Mama sure is getting lazy with my emails! It’s been over a month since she has written one! Maybe she’ll get better one of these days!
So much has happened during the past month. . .it’s hard to know where to start!
I still haven’t started going to Kinder Korner yet; as it turns out Mama isn’t going to be able to finish out the year teaching because she is going to have surgery. Yes, that’s right, surgery. It really isn’t that big a deal. . .it’s just something her doctor feels needs to be taken care of and Mama wants to get it over with so we can enjoy summer this year. The good news is I’ll get to go to Kinder Korner a whole bunch in May! I can’t wait!
I go back for another hearing test, CT Scan, X-rays, 24-hour urine test, and blood work next Wednesday, April 3rd. It’s hard to believe 3 months have already gone by! Time flies when you’re having fun! I can’t have vanilla, chocolate, or bananas for 3 days again. I did fine without my Vanilla Pediasure last time and I’m sure I’ll manage again. . .it’s just not much fun. I’m also not looking forward to that dumb catheter! Mama and Daddy say I only have to do these tests a couple more times before we’re done with it for awhile! HOORAY! Would you please say some extra prayers for me next week? Things always go much better when you do. Your prayers have helped me so very much! THANK YOU!
Now for the fun news!
Mama finally got my backyard all set up for the summer. The sandbox is still my favorite. I LOVE getting filthy! Sometimes I think my Mama and Daddy get frustrated at my love for dirt, mud, rocks, sticks. . .all that cool stuff they say only boys are supposed to like. I just keep telling them it could be worse. . .I mean, what good would it do me to be a girly girl and live on a farm?
My Dodi has found that I LOVE having my fingernails and toenails painted. There is SOME girl in me! When someone takes time to paint them for me, I show them to everyone I meet. THANK YOU Dodi for teaching Mama some cool girl things I like to do!
I got to go on a weekend getaway with my Mama and Daddy right before Easter. We had a BLAST! First we went to San Angelo and spent the night with some of our friends there. Boy did I LOVE them and their house! San Angelo also has a really cool park – the pictures of me in the GIANT sandbox were taken there. Then we went to Midland to see some of our other friends. I thought they were AWESOME too! Even though we only got away for a couple days, it was WONDERFUL! Mama and I haven’t been on any type of vacation since Spring Break last year. . .we told Daddy he better get ready ‘cause we had some making up to do this summer!
I really enjoyed Easter this year. I thought egg hunting was GREAT! I also enjoyed spending time with family. I’m thankful I live so close to most of them. . .I don’t know what we’d do without them!
I could go on forever but know all of you have things to do besides read a novel about my life. J I just want you to know I’m doing WONDERFUL and get extremely excited about sharing LIFE with you! As I can often be heard singing, “God is so good. . .to me.” (Yes, Jayci really does walk around singing those words. . .it melts us all.)
Jayci Joy

February 25, 2008

HIDEE! It’s been almost a month since Mama took time to help me write an email – I finally convinced her to help me with a quick update!
I’m doing GREAT! I’m finally convinced Mama and Daddy are telling the truth when they say I don’t have to go through anymore chemo treatments. The nightmares are slowly going away, I’m starting to trust grown-ups, and I haven’t had to go to the hospital in forever. . .LIFE IS GREAT! We ALL enjoy living “normal” lives! Daddy is already hard at work in the fields, Mama actually finished most of the staining and painting in our house she was working on when I got sick and is probably going to take a long term substitute job sometime in March, and I’ve been spending most of my time playing, learning, and most importantly, enjoying good health!
Mama and Daddy actually discontinued most of my ECI Services because I’m doing so good and because the next three months will be hectic enough with Mama working. I can’t wait to go to Kinder Korner. Everyone tells me there are lots of kids to play with there. I also look forward to the 2 days I’ll get to spend with Grammy Ju and the Fridays with my Daddy or Dodi. I can’t wait!
The power of prayer is amazing. . .I’m living proof!
I wanted to let you know that the baby I told you about last fall - the one who had serious heart problems – is doing wonderful too! He is also living proof that prayer heals!
I wish I had time to write more but its way past my bedtime. I look forward to hearing from you and am counting the days ‘til I get to celebrate life with you in July. We think we’re going to have the party Saturday, July. I hope you’ll be able to come!
Jayci Joy

January 27, 2008

“Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am so glad you gave.”

This has been the best week EVER! My cancer is in remission! When someone asks me if I have cancer I shout, “NO WAY!” Mama and Daddy just love to hear me shout those beautiful words. J
After we learned the great news on Tuesday, we went to eat and play at Chuck E. Cheese’s. I had so much fun climbing through the cool tunnels that I actually feel asleep in my carseat before we left the parking lot – something I NEVER do! We got to farm with Daddy 3 whole days this week. Mama and I learned how to build fence. We weren’t much help but we sure enjoyed spending so much time with Daddy! Uncle Chris and Aunt Lora spent the weekend celebrating “NO MORE CANCER” with us. We went to Gramma and Grandpops (I think I may change their names to Geemaw and Geepops – I insist on calling them these new names anyway) for supper last night. I had a blast eating celebration cupcakes and ice cream and playing ball with the whole family! Today we got to go see Playhouse Disney LIVE! It was the greatest day ever! It was so cool getting to see all my favorite TV show characters on stage! I sang and danced and stole the show – just ask anyone sitting around me! I just wish Dora would come somewhere close – I walk around the house singing “D-D-D-DORA” all the time! Mama and Daddy have my Uncle Timmie and cousin, Ana, to thank for this! They make sure I have plenty of Dora shows in my movie collection.
It has been a wonderful week! Its great knowing I have a lifetime full of wonderful weeks to look forward to now that my cancer is gone!
Thank you all very much for praying for my health – Jesus has answered all of our prayers!
I love you all!
Jayci Joy

Technology. . .I just love to hate it! We finally got our internet up and going again last night. One downfall to country living is not always being able to count on the internet or our cell phones to work – it’s just part of it. J
We saw Ginger Trimble and her beautiful girls at Playhouse Disney tonight. You can all thank her for finally getting this email. We didn’t realize so many people hadn’t heard our AWESOME NEWS! We apologize for causing so many of you to worry – we tried to get the news out by phone. . .it’s just not as fast or as convenient as email and it sounds like we did a pretty poor job! Again, we sincerely apologize.
Last Tuesday we learned:
1: Jayci’s cancer is in remission.
2: The tumor, or as Dr. Turner called it, scar tissue, now measures 5cm x 1 cm x 2 cm
3: We will do bloodwork once a month for the next 6 months to keep her port accessible
4: Testing will be done in April and June to make sure the cancer stays in remission
5: Jayci’s port will be removed in July after all testing is complete
6: The chances of her cancer recurring – highly UNLIKELY
Words will never express how much each of you touched our lives during the past 6 months. Your prayers, thoughtful words, and numerous acts of kindness have humbled us and taught us that miracles DO happen when we live our lives for Jesus. We learned “With God ALL things are possible.”
It has been a tremendous 6 months.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
I know I’m getting off subject but feel led to share some of our joy with you. Right after Jayci’s last round of chemo we were enjoying a Sunday evening watching TV together and came across a football movie Guy had never seen. He loves football so of course we began watching it not knowing how close its messages would hit home. The movie is titled “Facing the Giants.” It is a powerful movie we encourage everyone to watch; not just football fanatics!
Okay. . .now it’s time for CELEBRATION! Yes, we are planning to have a HUGE CELEBRATION for Jayci. We want all of you to see our little joy and share in our miracle! However, since Jayci became quite the Mama’s girl during her battle with cancer, we think we’ll wait until July, after her port is removed and her battle is COMPLETELY OVER! We feel confident we can teach her to trust new faces by then and know it is easier to travel when school is not in session. The weather is something else that is more predictable during July. We’ll make plans and let all of you know a date, time, and place sometime in June. Until then we will continue sending email updates. We love sharing our sweet girl with you!
Thank you again for your prayers.
-Guy and Kimberly


Tuesday we learned:

1: Her cancer is in remission.
2: The tumor, or as Dr. Turner called it, scar tissue, now measures 5cm x 1 cm x 2 cm
3: We will do bloodwork once a month for the next 6 months to keep her port accessible
4: Testing will be done in April and June to make sure the cancer stays in remission
5: Jayci’s port will be removed in July after all testing is complete
6: The chances of her cancer recurring – highly UNLIKELY

January 20, 2008

HIDEE! All of you will be happy to know that Gramma is doing much better and is planning to go to work tomorrow, I’m doing great, Daddy’s feeling better. . .life is finally getting back to “normal” again! Mama even had time to hang some of our new pictures today! HOORAY!
Brenda, Dr. Turner and Dr. Regueira’s nurse, called last week and scheduled us to review my test results Tuesday afternoon at 1:30. We are so excited! We can’t wait to see the miracle God has in store for us that day! We’ll be sure to share the news as soon as we can – it may be Wednesday morning before Mama gets it done – we may have to celebrate Tuesday night you know!
I actually talked her into emailing some pictures this time! There are some from Christmas, some from my last testing round, some from Gramma’s house. . .there is about a months worth of pictures. You’ll be amazed to see how much my hair has grown! It won’t be long ‘til I get to wear bows again!
Jayci Joy

January 14, 2008

HIDEE! Sorry I haven’t had time to update you – my Gramma is sick again and Mama and I have been busy taking care of her.
I wanted to let you know how good I did on my tests. My hearing and heart are perfect; the chemo didn’t hurt either one! YEAH! I behaved very well for my CT Scan, x-rays, and urine test too. We don’t know the results of those tests yet but should find out sometime this week. We know they are going to be GREAT!
Mama and Daddy wanted me to tell you how we know Jesus was present during my tests. I had the exact same Drs., nurses, room. . .EVERYTHING was the same as it was when I began this battle 6 months ago. Jesus wanted to make sure those who helped me through the tough times at first were there to see His promises fulfilled as my tests will show He answered everyone’s prayers and has healed my little body. I can’t wait ‘til the end of the week when I get to share the results with the world – I’ll have it on paper then you know!
I hate to keep this email so short but my Gramma is really sick again. She has a terrible UTI (probably a side effect of the pancreatitis she had last week) and just got to come home from the hospital this afternoon. My Mama and I are going to stay at her house and take care of her until she gets better.
Thank you all very much for your prayers.
I’ll share my miraculous news with you as soon as the test results are in!
Jayci Joy

January 10, 2008

HIDEE! We made it to Amarillo around 6::00 and are staying at a really cool hotel as part of our pre cancer free celebration! I’m having a blast! The nice lady at the front desk thinks I’m a sweetheart and loved being the one who got to deliver the awesome balloon bouquet my Gramma and Granpops sent me. I danced and shouted “WOW! WOW!” for her; she melted.
We have spent the evening playing in the hotel and even got to eat at a fun restaurant. I think it’s great having mom and dad’s complete attention!
We report to BSA at 7:30 tomorrow morning. I can’t have anything to eat or drink after 2 a.m. – something I’ve never had to do – but know Jesus will help me tough it out ‘til after my tests are complete. Besides, I’ve done just fine without my vanilla, chocolate and bananas for the past 2 days – something mom and dad were really worried about since Vanilla Pediasure is one of my main food sources these days and I’ll do ANYTHING for, what I call, “ice ceem.”
Tomorrow is a day we’ve all been looking forward to for quite sometime. It’s the day we get to confirm my cancer is gone. . .the day God’s amazing work takes center stage. We all know it will be a day filled with miracles and answered prayers. One of my favorite nurses, Brad, will be with me throughout all my tests and Dr. Kim, one of my favorite doctors, will be in charge of my sedation. We know and trust the entire team of people who will take care of me tomorrow, a sign of the promises we know God has in store. We can all rest easy tonight knowing He is in control and will be with us throughout my last tough day. We won’t be able to come home until Saturday because I have to have a 24-hour urine analysis done. Yes, it means I have to tote a catheter around with me for a full 24 hours. I’ve done it before but it was done while I was in the hospital and not quite so active and mobile. This time we will leave the hospital, with my catheter, after my Hearing Test, CT Scan, X-Rays, Heart Scan, and bloodwork are complete. We just have to return to the hospital 24 hours later to turn in my urine specimen and get rid of the catheter. Like I said, it will be a pretty tough day, but we can rest easy knowing Jesus will help us all through it and believing it will be the last tough day. . .at least for this challenge in my life.
I’ll have Mama or Daddy help me write a quick update sometime tomorrow evening – I know all of you will want to hear from us.
Your prayers have and will continue to be our source of healing and strength – Thank You.
Jayci Joy
P.S. (My Gramma is doing much, much better! She is even planning to go to work on Monday! Your prayers are POWERFUL! THANK YOU!)

January 6, 2008

HIDEE! We finally got to bring my Gramma home from the hospital Saturday evening. YEAH! She is still very weak and has moments when she doesn’t feel very good, but she is doing much, much better. Thank you all very much for your prayers! You helped heal Gramma just like you helped heal me!
That pancreatitis is bad stuff! Gramma is being very good by doing exactly what the doctor said she had to – she doesn’t even whine about having to take her blood sugar 4 times a day and does a great job giving herself an insulin shot every morning. Now I know where I get my toughness from. J Mama and I are taking her back to the Dr. tomorrow – I know he’ll be proud of the progress she has made.
Since Gramma is still very weak, Mama and I are going to stay with her for a few more days. I think it’s GREAT! My Granpops comes home and helps me jump every night and he even stayed home the entire weekend to play with me! I also loved spending extra time with my Uncle Chris and Aunt Lora during the past 10 days. Mama and Daddy said they couldn’t have made it without them! Because of them, Grammy Ju and Grandad, Aunt Billie Jean, and Nena, my Mama only had to stay at the hospital a few days to help Gramma. Daddy and I were very happy about this. We do a pretty good job fending for ourselves but there are some things only my Mama can do! – (at least that’s what I think. J)
I wasn’t able to get my testing done last week but am scheduled to have it all done this Friday, January 11. We have to be at the hospital by 7:30a.m.! YUCK! I will have to be sedated for my hearing test and they’ll keep me sedated for all the rest of my tests – CT Scan, X-Rays, Echocardiogram, etc. I also have to have a 24 hour urine test again. At least I won’t have to stay in the hospital for it this time! I’ll just take my catheter bag with me for the night and return to the hospital the next morning to get rid of it – ONCE AND FOR ALL!
We all know the results of my tests are going to be AWESOME! Jesus has answered so many prayers and I know this testing has to be done so we can share His MIRACLE with the WHOLE WORLD!
I love you all and PROMISE to make Mama send some pictures as soon as things slow down! We took about a million during the holidays you know!
Please keep us all in your prayers this week.
Jayci Joy

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